Luis Betancourt Oteyza
A lawyer of Universidad Central de Venezuela (1967), doctorate studies in the University of Paris II in Constitutional Law, with studies in Political Science. He has given legal advise to important financial and insurance companies. He was the Head of the Mortgage Department of C.A. Seguros Avila, Head of the Legal Department and member of the Board of Directors of said insurance company, as well as member of the Board of Directors of Arrendadora Bancarac, Arrendamiento Financiero, C.A. and of the Banco República. He also the General Secretary of the Interior Ministry (1969-1970); General Director of Identification and Foreign matters of the Interior Ministry (1970-1971); Advisor of the Defense Committee of the Senate (1975). He has a wide experience in financial and insurance matters as well as in litigation. He speaks French. He is a partner of Viso, Rodríguez, Cottin, Medina, Ramírez y Asociados. lubeot@gmail.com