Graciela Yazawa Alvarez
Lawyer graduated from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (1993). She completed post-graduate studies at the same university, where she obtained her specialization in Commercial Law, mention Corporations (1999). She has concentrated her professional practice in the corporate area, in civil, commercial and inheritance matters. She has participated in privatization processes, legal audits, creation of corporate structures, reorganization of companies, corporate agreements, mergers, liquidations, negotiation of contracts, real estate and inheritance advice. She has represented clients before public agencies such as the National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC); National Integrated Service of Customs and Tax Administration (SENIAT); Superintendence of Foreign Investments (SIEX); Mayor's Offices; Mercantile and Subordinate Registries. She has advised important companies such as: Aerotécnica, S.A., C.A. Cars; General Motors; C.A. Electricidad de Caracas; Tracker, C.A.; Cadena Capriles, among others. Partner of Escritorio Viso, Rodríguez, Cottin, Medina, Ramírez y Asociados where she has worked since 1992. She directed the Department of Administrative and Corporate Affairs. Languages: Spanish and English.